Monday, April 29, 2013


I want to dedicate this post to the people in my life who have inspired me and strive to change the world. There are so many people I can thank but I'll try and make this short. We all have people in our lives who inspire us and at times we will inspire others as well. We were all put here for a special reason, given special talents by God to make the world a better place. As I look at the people in my life, I realize that I'm surrounded by ambitious individuals and that motivates me to be the best writer, Christian, brother, son, student, and person I can be.

So thank you to everyone who has encouraged me not to be a bum. Thank you to my cousin Chris who I continue to look up to as a role model and has his own clothing line (Freshco. Fly), Alex, an aspiring rapper and talented football player along with the rest of the Joesph family, Dario, my sunday school teacher who launched his own company to motivate people to use their talents for good (Dario Inspires), Ms. Agostini, who's son is like a brother to me and makes her own greeting cards (Clofran Creations), My Pastors at Calvary Josiah and Chris for their moving words and reaching out to me, everyone down with the Broward County Chapter of the Freedoms Foundations of Valley Forge I met some of the brightest kids through this trip, my friends and colleagues in school, teachers, and my family for the undying love and support. Thank you all, Deion wouldn't be Deion without you.

If there's aybody you want to shout out feel free to do so through the comments! Links are below

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