Saturday, January 4, 2014

Breaking Bad and Me

               Allow me to rave about Breaking Bad a bit. I know I’m a little late and some of you might call me a “bandwagon” because I started watching the show early this fall but whatever. Here we go. BB was my first real TV drama. I never saw The Wire, The Sopranos, Lost, Mad Men, or Game of Thrones. The closest thing to drama that I’ve seen is The Walking Dead and that show isn’t even close. Don’t get me wrong—it’s entertaining, and it will be remembered, but it’s not in the same playing field as BB or any of the shows that I just mentioned.
                I was first introduced to Breaking Bad by a friend of mine. I always knew it was around but I never had the urge to get into it. While everyone was talking about the final season, I was raving about New Girl, a show that I thought one other guy watched but was proven wrong. I guess I’m the only dude around who thinks Zooey Deschanel looks really cute with bangs. Give it chance, guys…Anyways!

                I’m not going to lie, BB might have a few dry moments to those who aren’t used to heavy dialogue and character development but I assure you that this show is great! Phenomenal writing, superb acting, and marvelous everything else. If you haven’t seen it before, I suggest you get up on it before everybody spoils it for you.

                In the meantime, I guess I’ll get back to New Girl until The Walking Dead comes back.

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