So far I'm not experiencing any novelty with turning 18. I didn't really turn up unless you consider going to a ratchet Wendy's with your friend and getting a medium Frosty when you asked for a small "getting live." A majority of my day was spent with running errands. To be honest, I did have a graduation/birthday family reunion last week but I couldn’t help but think I was in for a surprise today.
The biggest fail of the day was when my mom told a bank-teller that she had a surprise for me at the end of the day. Only to find out that she said that to get the lady off her case. And here I was thinking I would see a GTR in my driveway.
When most people are about to turn 18, they think about the strip club, buying cigarettes, voting or playing the lotto. The first thought that came to my mind was saying goodbye to mandatory lunch breaks after 3 hours at work. From this point on I will have to ask my superiors to "take ten."
Of course, there are more things that come with being 18 in America:
I can no longer commit a crime and get a slap on the wrist by the judicial system. Which means I wasted 17 years of my life being a law abiding citizen when I could’ve been getting into fistfights and doing hood rat stuff with my friends.
I can get romantically involved with grown women which means I can have a sugar mama.
I could enlist in the army OR I could move out, rent a beach condo in Miami and create the ultimate bachelor pad.
Am I allowed to go to raves now? It doesn’t matter; you’ll see me at a Chili Cook-Off before you catch me at Ultra.
There are a lot of windows opened to me now. I probably won’t do half of the things I mentioned but it’s nice to know that I have the option. Fun fact: my little cousin Jeremy, my great-grandfather, Marques Colston, Torry Holt, Zydrunas Ilguskas Marcus Thornton, Brian McKnight, Pete Wentz and Mark Wahlberg are also celebrating their birthdays today. Hopefully their moms put GTRs in their driveways.
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