Things we left out from Season 2
- There’s a new chief in Angie’s department, Mike Sandoval. He’s brought on to lead the pursuit on Lobos. At first he’s adversarial to Angie, but they soon come to respect and trust each other.
- One of the men in Ghost’s syndicate, Carlos Ruiz, has a worker (Nomar) who is secretly in a relationship with his under aged daughter. Angie sniffs this guy out and uses him as a mole in an attempt to nab Ghost.
- Ruiz finds out about Nomar and his daughter and he contacts Tommy to have him killed.
- Tommy and Lobos get locked up. Lobos on various charges, Tommy for killing Nomar.
- Ghost and Angie realize the truth about each other.
- Angie clones Ghost’s phone and Ghost uses
- Angie’s witness account (Ruiz’s daughter) against her in court which leads to Tommy being free. Lobos is still in jail and an assassination attempt leaves him bedridden for a while.
- Lobos calls Tommy and gives him an ultimatum, either kill Ghost or be killed.
- Simon Stern, some sort of nightclub mogul becomes Ghost’s adversary in the business world. Ghost wants working with him as partners, Stern simply wants to own Truth. They go back and forth trying to get what they want. This gives Ghost an added challenge for his business ventures.
Season 3
Ghost is “out”
After killing off everybody in the syndicate except for Ruiz and Tommy. Ghost is out of the drug game. Or so he thinks. He believes Lobos is dead after the assassination attempt in his cell. Little does he know that Lobos is alive and he’s trying to turn Tommy against him. But hey, at least Ghost tried. Once a drug dealer, always a drug dealer, right?
Tasha and Ghost split up and tell the kids… I would say this was a sad moment, but not really. It wasn’t even set up to be emotional. It was just a “heads up, Mom and Dad aren’t going to be together anymore. Dad’s moving in with his side piece he's had on the sideline for 20 years now. But we still love you guys and it has nothing to do with you!” Angela and Ghost try to have a real relationship, but there's no way it will actually work because her office is legit looking him.
Things move fast as Ghost’s kids stay at Angie’s place. It was like he moved in and was like “ok, you need to meet the kids right this second.” During their stay Tariq finds Angela’s gun in her briefcase and takes it to school. This is lowkey the beginning of Tariq jumping off the porch and losing his ever loving mind. Tariq had no business sneaking and looking around her apartment, but at the same time, she should have had it locked up…she knew they were coming over.
Tommy’s calling shots
Still, not on good terms with Ghost, Tommy is in charge of the syndicate, but it soon becomes clear that he isn’t the level headed leader Ghost is. It could be because of the lingering fact that if he doesn’t kill Ghost, Lobos will kill him and Holly. Holly finds out about this and she tries to encourage Tommy to go through with it.
Unfortunately for Holly, Tommy’s unyielding loyalty can’t bring him to kill his best friend. Holly is devastated and takes matters into her own hands by ordering a hit on Ghost. The hit is foiled by Ghost’s top notch security led by a mysterious, cock eyed man named Dean. {Sidenote: after learning that Lobos is in fact still alive, he beefs up his security. Thus enters Dean.}
Upon hearing about the hit and assuming that it was successful, Tommy kills Holly by choking her to death. This is SO crazy and unexpected. Tommy was obsessed with this girl and wanted to give her the world and live in this fairytale, but sus just couldn’t hang. She wanted to be in SO bad! She wanted him to go against someone he’s been rocking with since childhood. She really thought he would choose her over Ghost?
Ghost finds Tommy in the apartment with Holly dead on the floor. They reconcile and agree to kill Lobos. As part of a “deal” with the Mexican federales, Lobos is supposed to be transferred from prison. Ghost uses this transfer as the moment to strike. Things go south pretty quick, but ultimately Lobos is killed.
The MF who eats people
Ghost tries to fire Dean and Dean reveals himself to be Milan, the Serbian kingpin boogeyman who eats people. Milan is my favorite antagonist in the show. He’s the only person who had Ghost shook for a while. Because Milan worked as Ghost’s security, he has intel and access to every single detail of Ghost’s life.
Milan comes in the picture because in the previous season, Tommy and Ruiz sabotage a shipment of his and leave it for the police. Milan makes Ghost and Tommy work for him to repay what they owe. There’s no telling how long that will take, but one thing is for certain, Angie has to go. She’s too much of a liability and the amount of danger she’s in is unparalleled. In an effort to take care of it, Ghost dumps Angie and it leaves the two of them boo-hoo crying. Ghost used his kids as an excuse, if only she knew the real reason…
Despite making it clear that Milan will have Ghost and Tommy and their families killed if they try anything slick, Ghost STILL tries to get one over on him. This plan involves Ruiz who is also working as a rat for Greg. Tommy kills Ruiz to foil Ghost’s plan and he confronts Ghost over jeopardizing their lives and lying to Tommy about it.
As Tommy’s trust in Ghost wanes, he starts to get in good with Milan. Like so many who have already tried and failed, Milan tries to get Tommy to turn on Ghost. Unbeknownst to him, Ghost and Tommy are “tight like a pair of balls,” as Kanan puts it, and the duo outsmart Milan and kill him with relative ease. It was pretty disappointing that Milan couldn’t make it past season 3. The fact that it took way longer to get rid of Lobos than him was pretty unsettling given how much smarter and more calculated he was.
The Return of Kanan
As the season 2 finale suggested, Kanan survived his skirmish with Ghost and subsequent roast. For the first part of the season he is laying low and rehabbing with Jukebox, a dirty cop who overzealously shares Kanan's desire to get back at Ghost. They hatch a plan to kill Tariq. This leads to Kanan getting close to Tariq and being somewhat of an uncle to him.
Tariq's association with Kanan (whom he calls Slim because he doesn't know his true identity) and Jukebox's crew starts his descent into a punk ass, petty thug. He starts sippin lean, acting up at home and not trusting his parents. When Kanan discovers Tariq's disdain for Ghost, he decides against killing him and instead brings him under his wing. Tariq becomes the son that Kanan never had in Shawn and the new plan is to kidnap Tariq for ransom.
Lakeisha’s weave shop
Tasha uses her best friend Lakeisha’s shop as a place to launder drug money and Lakeisha is not happy. I think she should have just told her “girl” from jump what it was. I’m pretty sure she already knew her lifestyle, or maybe she didn’t (idk), but even if she didn’t, I KNOW she could have easily told her and she would’ve been happy with a nice cut of the profit. But still, Lakeisha’s involvement in the business makes her a liability. One that Milan makes Tommy take care of.
Hard Knox Life
After a near death experience during the Lobos transfer, Greg shakes it off and is back on his quest to bring Ghost and Angela down. With the way things went down with Lobos, it’s clear that Lobos had a mole in Greg’s department. In this moment Greg is at his most focused. Even Angie sleeping with him again to show her loyalty won’t deter him.
Greg tries to get Ghost to fess up, but he ultimately embarrasses himself. However, he does manage to identify Mike as Lobos’ mole. This discovery is short lived as Mike kills him almost immediately after he finds out. Angie is devastated to hear about Greg’s death and she suspects Ghost is responsible. Moments before Greg’s murder, Ghost breaks into his apartment to snoop around for a recording of Ruiz that could incriminate him and Tommy. When Angie looks around Greg’s place, she finds evidence that Ghost was there and uses it to bring him down.
Season 3 ends with Angie coming to Truth to embarrass the hell out of Ghost and arrest him for allegedly murdering Greg. This was the pettiest thing she did. I have to agree with my honey, Angela was very Petty Betty. She knew Ghost hasn't/wouldn't be that sloppy with leaving evidence around. He's a drug dealer. He's done some things to get where he is and has YET to be caught soooo he would not pretty much leave out things/hand over evidence.
I mean, why come to the man’s business and shame him for something that he didn’t do? If she weren’t so spiteful and heartbroken she would’ve had the decency to arrest him in a less public setting. She knows where he lives, she knows where his office is, she knows when Truth closes, there were so many ways to make it less public, but nope. She chose to ruin his image. So once again, just as things are looking up for Ghost, something happens in the club that undoes all the progress he’s made.

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