Current me: Hey, you know what you should do?
You should go to school to be a dentist!
11th grade me: A dentist? Why would I do that?
Current me: Because it's easy and it pays
11th grade me: But wouldn't I have to go to
school for like 10 years?
Current me: I don't really know, didn't
research that. All I know is you can live next door to Chris Rock and/or drive
a nice car in Miami.
11th grade me: No way, man. I'm going to apply
to the film school!
Current me: We'll still write, just major in
something that makes money!
11th grade me: Thanks for the advice, but I have
to follow my dreams. This writing thing is meant to be.
Current me: *Sigh... Welp, have fun
taking Teachers and Technology
11th grade me: Teachers and Tech, what? Wait!
Before you go, how many more championships will LeBron win?
Current me: Can't say. Don't want the
butterfly effect to screw things up. Just know, when the Warriors have a 3-1
lead, bet against them.
End Scene
Looking back on all of those
college movies and TV shows, I wonder if they accurately depicted the stress of
junior year. Suddenly every day is a deadline and there’s always something you
forgot was due until it’s time to turn it in. It’s like when you’re in a
gunfight in Call of Duty then another
enemy shows up and starts shooting you, then an airstrike comes by and you step
near a bouncing betty. In the killcam you your corpse is getting teabagged and
a shrill voice comes on your mic to tell you that you suck and says
disrespectful things about your mom. That’s how it is. Everything comes at you
like some kind of symphony from Hell. The end result is a composition of
anxiety induced panic attacks, sleepless nights and lingering existentialism. Eddie said it best with this anecdote: “My semester has been
like this: I fall behind in this class, I work to catch up. Now I’m behind in
this class, I get back up. I try to get ahead in this class, now I’m behind in
all my classes.”
year more than ever has taught me a great lesson about time management. Eddie has another great quote about this: “I’m taking half the classes [that I took
in high school] and I’m still wondering where to find the time!” If I had known
how quickly an hour can pass by sifting through social media apps I might’ve
asked my parents to downgrade me to a Jitterbug phone. To the people who go out pretty much every
night and still manage to make the Dean’s List (have a GPA at or above 3.5), I salute you. I had friends who
did that during freshman year and there was nothing you could tell them. Those
days have been long gone.

year in high school was like “Oh, shoot! I gotta take the SAT and ACT and start
applying for college!” Junior year in college is like “Oh, shoot! I gotta make
sure I graduate on time and take this exam for my major which costs hundreds of
dollars out of pocket and look into some grad school applications and get an
internship and eat!”
was at a friend’s birthday party this Fall. I met a senior and asked him if he
had any advice to give me. Without hesitation he looked at me and said “Turn
the f*ck up!” That’s it. That’s all he had to tell me. The only regret he had
in his time in college is that he didn’t party hard enough because he spent his
first two years in a relationship. Since he already has a profitable job lined
up for him after graduation, I can’t fault him for saying what he did. But as an
Education major with dreams of being a screenwriter, turn the f*ck up won’t do
much for me.
For all the soon to be juniors out there I advise you to have fun during your time here. Don’t graduate with any regrets but at the same time, plan for the future. Life comes at you fast and it won’t slow down for you. Neither will college. If you didn’t know that already you will definitely know come junior year. To all my fellow juniors, it’s almost over. By the end of the finals week, we can make a toast to our survival at a local bar.
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