Monday, December 29, 2014

Chronicles of the College Boy

            Well, my first semester of college is over and it’s definitely been one for the books. They say the first semester is a transition period so now I should have the hang of things. I’m glad to say that this is true, but it wasn’t easy. Those 15 weeks have been one big adventure. I didn’t handle being away from home too well at first. The first few nights consisted of me staying in my room, writing and eating PB&Js for dinner. Luckily there were a bunch of meet-and-greet type events that got me out of my cave. One of the first things I noticed about living away from home is how expensive it is. Back at home when the fridge was empty I would wait for my parents to go grocery shopping. Now I have to fill it up myself, and grocery shopping isn’t nearly half as fun when I’m paying for everything. Paying for laundry was another unpleasant surprise. In an attempt to save money, I tried hand washing my whites in the sink but it turned out to be a huge waste of detergent.

            My classes were fairly easy. I came in with a few credits, but I still had to take a few Gen Ed classes. I took Philosophy, Real World Mathematics, Computers 101 and Sex Ed. With the exception of math, none of my classes stressed me out. None of my professors were jerks so I don’t have any evil professor stories. The closest I have to that is the time I had the flu and an injured foot. I had to turn in a hard copy of a project in Philosophy, but I emailed the professor ahead of time explaining my situation and telling her that I wasn’t going to class. She didn’t respond so I dragged myself out of bed and crutched all the way to her office to turn it in. I still got 20% deducted because the project was considered “late.” I ended the class with an A so it’s all good.

            Before I went to college I kept hearing three things about my school: football, parties and girls. Supposedly my school is consistently ranked top 3 in the nation for hottest undergrads. I went in expecting beautiful women as far as the eye can see. Like I was entering a Lion Country Safari of the most gorgeous girls in the world. Boy, was that unrealistic. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of attractive girls here but it’s not what I imagined. The good thing is there’s a lot of them. The downside is there’s little to no familiarity. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a head-turner and never saw her again. I had a crush on my Philosophy professor for the longest time. It was a mutual attraction, but she decided it was best not to go any further. She told me she wanted to take it easy because she just got out of a relationship. I didn’t understand what she meant until about a month later.
I met these two girls who within hours of us knowing each other were convinced that I was a perfect match for their friend. They wanted to set us up on a blind date; I’ve never been on one before, but I figured I’ll give it a shot. She was a cute second-year foreign exchange student from Britain. She too had just gotten out of a relationship, seems like I have a type. Here we were enjoying some frozen yogurt and out of the blue comes this debonair British dude wearing a top hat, white suit and a monocle. Buddy looked like a mix between Colonel Sanders and the Planter’s Peanut mascot.
I knew he was her ex because when he saw us he immediately broke into a sappy, poetic spiel about how miserable he’s been since the break-up, how she and I will never have what they had and how he’ll do anything to win her back. He put on quite the scene. Everybody in the yogurt place was rooting for him and I got a little choked up in all of the romance myself. They got back together and flew away on his umbrella. I wasn’t mad, but she barely made a dent in her yogurt and the cashier wouldn’t let me return it. So I gave the rest to a homeless person and walked to my dorm.
           So far college is great. The freedom is amazing and the overall experience is something I’m very grateful for. Making friends wasn’t as hard as I expected. I hit it off well with my neighbors and the members of my church so I got a squad up there. Things are looking good right now. Taken 3 comes out soon and if you know me at all you know that I’m amped to see it. Expect a review for that and plenty more mix to get into in 2015. 2014 has been a great year. Thanks for spending it with me.

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