Thursday, May 11, 2017

A Letter from the Editor

Hello all,
I apologize for my absence; I was too busy crawling to the finish line of the worst semester of my life. I am battered, bruised and more than happy to be home enjoying some much-needed time off.
It’s been a grueling spring to say the least but it wasn’t all bad, Sunshine graduated and that was a very inspiring thing to witness and be a part of. I also got promoted twice in my position at the paper so I am looking forward to that. Also, I completed my first pilot script and submitted it in a contest. Yeah, there were plenty of sunshiny days that slipped through the cracks of the perpetual storm.

A few thank you’s are in order for those who continued to support me and this blog in my absence. Despite my last post being on Valentine’s Day, there has still been some steady traffic on my site and that really means a lot to me. I appreciate all of you who have stumbled upon my blog, checked on it to see if I wrote anything new, or shared my blog with others.

Thank you to Sunshine, DJ Northecide aka plvyerone, Maria Trajano, Mateo Holguin and the one follower who I still have (I can’t figure out who you are right now, but once I do, I’ll update it to include your name). If I didn’t mention anybody I’m sorry, you are appreciated just the same and I love you all.

Although I haven’t been blogging I didn’t stop writing altogether. 80% of my non-academic work has gone to my school’s paper. Most of the articles can work here as well so I will be reposting previous works with edits here and there and I will also be publishing original content. It’s going to be a great summer and I’m happy to have you all be a part of it.

Stay Fresh,


P.S. My friend DJ is a producer who goes by the name plvyerone (pronounced "Player one") Check out his Soundcloud; he's got some great beats:

Maria Trajano is also a fellow blogger who has her name on many sites. Here's the link to her main blog:

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