Special thanks to Andre Bolourian for his classic "The Squeakquel: Why Twitter Sucks Now." This post wouldn't exist if it weren't for you and Taleen. Much love.
With all of the websites and apps out there, a brother is still having a hard time finding love, sisters too. Facebook, Twitter and other social media have made the world a smaller and creepier place. Gone are the days when being followed was a bad thing; now it’s all the rage. With everyone getting more close and personal, flirting has evolved. Think about it, 20 years ago, people had crushes on people within 10 miles of them, with an exception for celebrities. Today, we can be mesmerized by someone who lives on the other side of the world.
With all of the websites and apps out there, a brother is still having a hard time finding love, sisters too. Facebook, Twitter and other social media have made the world a smaller and creepier place. Gone are the days when being followed was a bad thing; now it’s all the rage. With everyone getting more close and personal, flirting has evolved. Think about it, 20 years ago, people had crushes on people within 10 miles of them, with an exception for celebrities. Today, we can be mesmerized by someone who lives on the other side of the world.
Now that we don’t have to watch TV or go outside to find beautiful people, flirting or finessing can be achieved with the click of a button. But, thanks to sex offenders and creepy, unwed men (sometimes even wed), finessing on social media is damn near mission impossible.

Maybe it’s best. It’d be weird being at a wedding and hearing the first words in a “How we met” story be “One day I was on Instagram...”
Too many times has a poor, unfortunate soul committed one of the Seven Deadly Sins of Thirsting. To be frank, it hasn’t been looking promising for us, fellas. Our dignity, for the most part is nonexistent. Our self-respect and respect for women has been traded in for gutsy catcalls that we wouldn't say in public. You saw the screenshots, this is not who our mothers raised us to be. This is what some women think of us:
It’s time we change how we play the game. ThatDude from ThatDude Sports Page and I are here to shed light on the subject. We are not masters ourselves in this newfound art, but we’ve been around long enough to know how the game is played. These are simply the basics.
It’s time we change how we play the game. ThatDude from ThatDude Sports Page and I are here to shed light on the subject. We are not masters ourselves in this newfound art, but we’ve been around long enough to know how the game is played. These are simply the basics.
The Seven Deadly Sins
The thing is, why use PremiumSnaps or Chat Star when a small bottle of lotion runs about $3 and the Hub is always free? Yeah, you’re saving a lot more with option #2.
Gluttony- This goes out to the guys who compliment a woman, get her attention, and try to make a conversation out of it. Fellas, understand that you have a 12 second window of acknowledgement. If you’re compliment gets noticed and she responds with a “thanks” or kissy face emoticon, move on. Don’t say “you’re welcome,” don’t say “I really mean it,” and DO NOT add another compliment (I cannot stress that enough). This same rule applies in real life conversation. You cannot douse a woman in compliments. Eventually, she’s going to want to be left alone and wish she never met you. If you want to celebrate her response, do so in private. Don’t make mountains out of mole hills. Once she hits enter, she deletes any memory of who you are. Believe it or not, a retweet, a favorite and a like are impersonal as fuck.
Greed- We all know about this little game people like to play called “I follow you, you follow back and then I unfollow you to get my followers up and keep my ratio high.” Guys play it, girls play it. We’re privy to this greedy game.

Sloth- As stated above, most people are fussy about their following to followers ratio. It looks good for someone to have more followers than they are following and looks bad if it’s the other way around. Most people have the latter, so there’s an invisible threshold for the amount of accounts one can follow that exceed that person’s followers before said person reaches the Danger Zone. For example, on IG I have 208 followers and I am following 238 accounts. An even +30 following. I’d say the threshold is around 50. Once you follow over 50 more accounts than you have following you, it starts to taint your social media image. We’re aware that this all sounds superficial, immature and idiotic. We didn’t make the rules, we just abide by them. With that being said, most of the accounts that leave sexually harassing comments are the ones with a handful of followers, yet follow everybody and their grandmothers.
How does this relate to Sloth you might ask? Because if you’re gonna be a serial thirst offender, gosh darnit, do it right! Cover your tracks, you sloppy pervert! Assume an identity at least. Following an exponential amount of accounts says you’re more interested in the world than it is in you. It means you’re that person who clings to a group of friends like lint and you think they like you, but they either don’t notice you or don’t care to get you off their shirt. It also says that your sole use of social media is to lurk on attractive people and implicitly tell them “I feverishly wank to your pictures.” All I'm saying is, if you put the effort in typing these disgusting comments and tweets, put half of it into getting your followers up.
Wrath- As some of you may know, a year ago, I made a video in which I asked a model out to Prom. She couldn’t go for B.S. reasons I won’t specify (she had to celebrate her birthday for a whole week, while Jesus Christ gets one day.) But she was nice enough to shout me out on her IG and follow me. Needless to say, it made my day. During the entire month that she followed me I would look at it, smile and dance. Only to find out a month later that she unfollowed me for NO reason. She actually went out of her way to go onto my IG page, hit the unfollow button, and then hit “yes” when asked if she was sure that she wanted to because my account is on private. I was distraught and infuriated and it ruined my night. Moral of the story is don’t ask a model to Prom. I’m kidding. No I’m not.
The other moral is don’t take a follow/unfollow seriously. (Unless it’s for a really good reason which I had.) If a woman follows you and she decides to change her mind, don’t get angry and send her mean tweets or rude messages. It makes you look immature and she might put you on blast. Don’t look at a cute chick following you as an invitation to her DM. Don’t be Greg from “Everybody Hates Chris.” You’re not “totally in there” just because she followed you. She could be interested, but don’t get your hopes up. She and her friends probably saw your avi and thought you looked cute but didn’t like the rest of your pictures. It’s not that serious.
Envy- Go to any IG account of a female model and you’re bound to see comments like “Slut,” “You’re not even all that,” “Put some clothes on. . .” the list goes on and on. They claim that they’re speaking the truth, but to most of the world, it’s a self-righteous scream saying “Look at me! I’m more than my T and A! I want some attention too!!!” There’s just no need for any of it. They aren’t posting for your approval, nor do most care. Just do what that kindergarten teacher of yours said: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, then don’t say it at all.” If you enjoy the picture, double tap. If you don’t, keep scrolling. Either keep it to yourself or rant to your best-friend about how “That bitch Stephanie wore high-waisted shorts that showed way too much ass on IG.” Nobody needs to see these petty arguments happen.
And speaking of pettiness… It’s human nature to see an attractive person and get angered when that person’s significant other looks like a troglodyte. With that being said, if you’re following a model who has a boyfriend or girlfriend who looks way out of that person’s league, don’t get salty to the point where you become genuinely upset. Look at it as inspiration. Instead of thinking “How could (s)he be with HIM/HER?!” Think “If (s)he’s dating him/her, then I definitely have a shot!” There’s somebody out there for you who’s more beautiful and compatible with you than whoever you gawk at on your phone.
Pride- Recently, I was encountered with a new phenomena of “meet and greets” by social media celebrities. I haven’t gone to witness firsthand, but what I saw on snapchat was unacceptable! Grown ass men singing opera while holding out a rose and other actions to proclaim their “love.” Now, on most occasions, I would applaud a man going all out to make their significant other feel special, but this is a different instance. People are doing it for women that A) They’ve never met before, B) Have no idea who they are outside social media and C) Chances are won’t speak/see again. It’s gone too far. It’s one thing to thirst, but have some pride and dignity, dammit. With the way some fans worship models, you would’ve thought that they cured cancer.
Deion here. I’m going to have respectfully disagree with you, Dude. While it’s true that a lot of fans take their appreciation too far, there’s nothing wrong with a meet and greet. It allows people to meet the objects of their desire. You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to meet CarlyRbel if she were in town?
So if Giancarlo Stanton were in your neighborhood, you wouldn’t drop what you’re doing to see him?
Giancarlo actually puts genuine effort into his craft. If he stopped working as hard as he did, he wouldn’t be as successful as he is. So yes, I would meet him. I’m sorry if I don’t consider snapchatting an artform.
I have credibility with this stuff. I’ve seen the game, I’ve watched it unfold. Day in and day out, I see things that make me smile and I see things that me squint. ThatDude and I aren’t some geezers or culture vulture, loudmouth wiseasses who think we’re better than anyone. We’re two guys who are products of our culture but are able to see through the B.S.
And now back to the post...
To get back to the 12 second window thing, acknowledgement is fun and educational. There are two kinds of guys in this situation: The Nice Guy and the Guy Who Gets the Girl. I don’t mean "gets the girl" as in he finesses his way into dinner and a movie with her. I mean from the comments made you can tell who would actually woo the girl if the interaction were face to face.
I have never seen a more beautiful girl in my life. I felt like I struck an oil rig, I discovered gold. Since I’ve discovered this girl I started eating right, my cholesterol is back to normal and I’ve lost 10 lbs. And it’s all thanks to you. In short, Taleen, you make me smile. You were the inspiration behind this post. If you’re reading this, just know, you are appreciated. Happy birthday.
Deion here. I’m going to have respectfully disagree with you, Dude. While it’s true that a lot of fans take their appreciation too far, there’s nothing wrong with a meet and greet. It allows people to meet the objects of their desire. You’re telling me you wouldn’t want to meet CarlyRbel if she were in town?
What has she done that’s so significant and important that I should go out of my way to meet her? I appreciate her taking photos and I find her gorgeous, but taking a selfie and posting it on Snapchat is nothing to fawn over.
So if Giancarlo Stanton were in your neighborhood, you wouldn’t drop what you’re doing to see him?
So you’re telling me that you’d rather meet a hardworking man than a beautiful woman?
I’m trying to become a successful individual. Unfortunately for me, I’m too ugly to get success by being pretty and having no particular talent.
So it’s about advice and motivation, I see. I still think you’re crazy, but I get you. Personally I’d meet LeBron over Dolly Castro any given day. But if it were Josh McRoberts vs the really fine woman in gray leggings who showed up at my work today, I’m meeting her.
If I had to choose between meeting Josh McRoberts and Carly, I would choose Carly. However, to be fair, if it were up to me I’ll just stay home.
Woooooowww there’s no winning with you. Okay, Dude. Stay home and double tap on her pictures whilst passing on the opportunity to shake Carly’s hand and give her a Christian side hug. Be my guest, and hers.
A Moment of Reflection with Deion A. Sainvil
I’ve done some unspeakable things in my past. Things I’m not proud of. I’d be a liar if I said that I never committed any of these sins. Besides the Greed and Sloth ones, I’ve committed them all. I’ve had my fair share of Tinder failures and rejections in the DM.
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My successful slide into Demi Rose's DM |
I have credibility with this stuff. I’ve seen the game, I’ve watched it unfold. Day in and day out, I see things that make me smile and I see things that me squint. ThatDude and I aren’t some geezers or culture vulture, loudmouth wiseasses who think we’re better than anyone. We’re two guys who are products of our culture but are able to see through the B.S.
Nice Guys vs The Guys Who Get the Girl
It’s easy to tell who’s who, just look at the girls response. If it’s a politely robotic “Aww” or “Thank you,” buddy was the Nice Guy. Anything outside of that that isn’t malicious, means buddy has a better chance than the Nice Guy.
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Nice Guy who should've taken the acknowledgement and went home. |
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Guy Who Would've Gotten the Girl (she favorited his tweet btw) |
In my social media career, I’ve always been the Nice Guy. I AM the Nice Guy, I can’t change that. I thought it would be beneficial for you to know who’s who. Fellas, think about this before you send that tweet or comment. Do you want to make her smile and possibly be remembered, or do you want to be another number? They say nice guys finish last, but in social media, nice guys were never in the race.
There are many women and young girls on social media who aren’t models, actresses or singers. They are regular citizens who have thousands of followers solely because of their looks. They don’t even need to post provocative pictures, they can get over 100 likes easily with a photo of their dinner.
Here’s an easy way to distinguish models from regular people, if they don’t have booking information or a link to their website on their personal page, they’re average citizens.
This summer I was scrolling through my Twitter timeline and I saw a collage of a girl’s glo-up challenge. (Glo-up is slang for the transformation from Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan) Usually I see a Glo-up and I go “Huh, yeah she sure is a looker now!” But this one in particular changed my life. It wasn’t the transformation that captivated me. It was the girl.
Deion and ThatDude (But mostly Deion)
Deion and ThatDude (But mostly Deion)
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