Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day?

             Here’s what happened to me on the quote on quote “Most Romantic Day of the Year.” I hope yours was better than mine.

                              I woke this morning from a weird dream that I didn’t get accepted to UF. Ha, what foreshadowing:

               I did my morning routine whilst listening to Outkast’s “The Love Below” because it’s only right. Frosted Flakes were on the menu, with the gummy bear vitamin, breakfast of champions. Went to school—same ol’ same ol’—this time only with more red, flowers, chocolates, and big @ss teddy bears. Love was nowhere near the air I was breathing. Instead there was bacteria because everyone around me had a cold.

                              1st hour: Managed to evade a test and finished watching Westside Story on Netflix.

                              2nd hour: Took a quiz on allusions and read Heart of Darkness as a class.

                              3rd hour: 95% of the class went ice skating so I had a party in another teacher’s classroom with red velvet cake and salty pink lemonade. After we ate, we watched a bunch of YouTube videos about cute kids. Eh, beats being with underclassmen.

                              4th hour: Reviewed for a test coming next week.

             After school I stayed in class until 5, prepping for the test. Walked 4 blocks home with 4 bags in my hands. I got home, found out I got rejected from you-know-who (Fxck y’all!) and got a call from my boy talking about the nachos at Moe’s. He came over and we went and got them. Little did we know, it was Nacho Friday. Yay us. We came back to my house and listened to some rap music (mostly Kendrick). He left around 9 and since then I’ve been writing.

             I wish I can tell you my Valentine’s Day was unforgettable, I wish I could tell you that I  got the girl of my dreams to be my Valentine and I stole her heart as we drove off into the sunset in a 2014 Nissan GTR with the top down. I wish I could tell you those things… but the truth is the only arousal I got all day was saving 2 bucks on Nachos.

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